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The Columbia Basin CWMA is focused on cooperative management of flowering rush, so sharing information is key to this effort. There are a variety of resources specific to flowering rush that are provided here. If you have a resource not listed here that would provide additional information to resource managers, contact the Columbia Basin CWMA chairs.

Distribution Database

This is a great source of information that documents the current monitoring efforts, and early detection work within the Columbia Basin and in the immediate vicinity. The database is hosted by Washington Department of Agriculture and created from data provided from partners across the Pacific Northwest. Access the database.

Webinars and Meeting Recordings

Educational Videos

This video was produced by Peter Rice with University of Montana and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai College.
2018 Summit Presentation by Steve Howser on targeted flowering rush control techniques.

Unpublished Reports

Many partners across the Pacific Northwest have examined strategies to control flowering rush infestations and document ecological interactions. The reports provided here contain valuable information to better understand flowering rush.  If you have specific questions regarding information in these reports, contact the principal investigator indicated in that document.

CABI Biocontrol Control Annual Report (2017)

CABI Biocontrol Annual Report (2018)

CABI Biocontrol Annual Report (2019)

Weed Biological Control Progress Report (2018), Hälfinger, et al.

Flowering Rush: An Invasive Aquatic Macrophyte Infesting the Headwaters of the Columbia River System, P. Rice & V. Dupuis

Fish and Macroinvertebrates Trapping Data Report in Relation to Flowering Rush Infestation, P. Rice & V. Dupuis

2013 Greenhouse Bucket CET for Screening Herbicides for Activity on Flowering Rush Leaf Injury 4 Months & “2nd Growing Season” after Treatment, P. Rice, A. Skibo, and Dupuis

Flowering Rush Mapping and Spatial Prediction Model, P. Rice, M. Reddish, V. Dupuis, and A. Mitchell

Sequential Dry Substrate/Foliar Herbicide Applications for Suppression of Flowering Rush, P. Rice, V. Dupuis, and I. McRyhew

Results in the Second Summer After Foliar Application of Herbicides to Flowering Rush, P. Rice, V. Dupuis, and A. Mitchell

In-Lake Suppression of Submersed Flowering Rush, P. Rice, V. Dupuis, and A. Mitchell

Screening Trial of Water Column Injection Herbicides for Flowering Rush Suppression, P. Rice

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