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Who Are We?

The Western Invasives Network (WIN) is a regional partnership network of individuals, agencies, and organizations concerned with rural and urban invasive weed issues in northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington.

Our Services


Landscape-level management and sharing of best management practices promotes more effective control plans and more efficient implementation. Weed invasions can be prevented or slowed, without needless duplication of effort.


Collaborative efforts such as those embodied by Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs) increase the likelihood for success. As such these efforts tend to be favored for funding. In addition multi-partner activities increase the visibility of weed problems, raising the awareness of decision makers and the general public.


The coordination offered by the WIN helps to facilitate meetings, sharing information across organizations, grant writing, data management, leveraging efforts of individual members. This coordination reduces the duplication of efforts among partners and increases their capacity to give them the time to do what they do best.

Full website coming soon!